Category Archives: Finished Dolls

Meet Peri

Peri is complete! The beloved companion of the fifth and sixth Doctors has been added to the dolls for Barbie Who? I started working on this doll in early January, so she has taken much less time than Cofelia. I am estatic to have finished so quickly, and hopefully this will be a good sign for things to come.


Peri was created from a Flower Power Teresa doll that I purchased at a thrift store for $1. I chose this doll because she came with her hair bobbed off. The short hair struck me as Peri from the first day I saw her, so in a way the doll chose the character instead of the other way around. To transform her from Teresa to Peri, I cleaned her up, trimmed her hair, and dressed her in new clothes. The final piece of the puzzle was a fun accessory, and like any good botany student she now has some plants to study. Here is a rundown of everything done for Peri.




Peri's Outfit Finished


Peri's Complete Outfit


Three Plastic Canvas Plants

Bring it all together and you get one awesome companion.

Peri with plants.

Just for fun, I had to break out Cofelia and the adipose to see how they look together. I think the adipose go perfectly with the plants. It is nice to have somebody around to keep Cofelia and her charges in line.


I had a lot of fun making Peri! I enjoyed knitting an outfit for her. They take much less time than crochet, so I may knit more pieces for the blog. I plan on buying a new pair of 2 mm knitting needles so that I can create patterns with the proper sized needles. That may very well be my next big adventure; I plan on buying them when I go into town this week. I can’t wait to start the third entry for the blog!


Filed under Barbie Who?, Finished Dolls

Meet Cofelia

Cofelia is officially finished! Cofelia, or Miss Foster, is from the Doctor Who episode Partners in Crime. She is the head of Adipose Industries and matron to the adorably pudgy adipose aliens (when she isn’t selling weight loss pills). I started working on this doll in September (don’t ask me where the time went) and finished her in December. I didn’t have the sense to take a before picture, so here is a picture from early on vs a picture today.


I started with a 2006 Beach Glam Barbie that I had purchased at a thrift store for $1. She did require some cleaning, but after a quick bath she was as good as new. I chose her over other dolls for her nice hair and her similar look to Cofelia from the show. To transform her, I removed her earrings, bought her a pair of glasses, styled her hair, and created several pieces of clothing for her to wear.











Adipose 1


Adipose 2


Bring it all together and you get one fantastic matron.


In addition to all of that, I made four practice garments to polish up my skills. I also found many dolls and crafting supplies while thrift shopping. I have no doubt that I will put them all to good use as I continue making dolls as part of my Barbie Who? project.

Cofelia has been a delight over the last few months. I have enjoyed learning to work with new materials to create clothes for her and other dolls. I have no doubt that these skills will mean good things for the future. Stay tuned to see just what is in store!


Filed under Barbie Who?, Finished Dolls